The International symposium on Human Genomics will be the opportunity to promote research in genetics and genomics in France and to bring the community together. It will be opened to the national and international genetics and genomics community. Early-career researchers are encouraged to attend and submit either an oral or a poster presentation.

The meeting is co-organised by France Génomique and ITMO GGB : Organisers

The following topics will be covered:

-Ancient DNA, Paleogenomics

-From molecular to integrative approaches

-Bioinformatics, Statistics, Gene Network

-Translational Genetics

-Genome 3D, Epigenetics

-Evolutionary Genomics

-Genome instability, Splicing


Abstract submissions:

Abstract submission for oral and poster presentations is available until the 10th of July 2023 - midnight - Late submission allowed until the 15th of July. Results will be announced on the 17th of July. 

To submit an abstract for a poster or an oral presentation, first create an account on Sciencesconf.org. Then use your username and password to login on the symposium home page. You will then be able to access the “My submissions” page and proceed with abstract submission. Max 300 words, and in english only.

Poster size: A0 : 841 x 1189 mm (portrait only) 


Registration and payment:

Registration fees include the three-day attendance of the conference, coffee breaks, lunches on the 21st and 22nd, and a cocktail dinner on the 21st.

To register, please go to the 'Registration' page.

The payments are processed with Billetweb, via this link :

Link Billetweb

Please note that your registration will not be accepted until we receive payment confirmation from Billetweb.

Registration opened until the 1st of September 2023 - midnight.

Students and early career researchers (PhDs): €110 (VAT included)

Others: €220 (VAT included)

Please, try to book your hotel as early as possible as there is the Rugby World Cup from the 8th of September to the 28th of October and it will attract many fans.


We greatly acknowledge our sponsors below:


Pacbio      mgi


vizgen     illumina


ONT     spt


active motif     parse


stand biotools     ozyme   scipio


10x   olink


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